Sunday, October 27, 2013

Today I present my original composition, SLEEP.  I completed this piece in 1990 and scored it for piano and voice.  Below is a screenshot of the title page from the autograph score:

This setting of a poem entitled TO SLEEP by John Keats is one of several I made in the late 1980s--early 90s when I was reading a lot of the English romantics.  As a sonnet, it was difficult to work into song form since the lines do not read like lyrics.  When setting already established poems to music, as I frequently do, it can be quite challenging to “wed” the music to the words in a way that sounds natural.  I remember having one hell of a time putting this one together.

Listen at SoundClick
Listen at MP3Unsigned

SLEEP, Copyright©1990 DamonMusic by Sean Damon Rohde.  All rights reserved

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Today I present my original composition, NORTHERN LIGHTS.  I completed this piece in 2004 and scored it for hand-bells.  Below is a screenshot of the title page from the autograph score:

I originally wrote this piece for hand bells, but decided to record it using a soft-synth.  Even though this sound is totally different from that of the bells, one can imagine a group of people ringing these notes into the ether.

Listen at SoundClick
Listen at MP3Unsigned

NORTHERN LIGHTS, Copyright©2004 DamonMusic by Sean Damon Rohde.  All rights reserved